InfoTracer Business Solutions: Skip Tracers' Most Valuable Tool

InfoTracer Business Solutions:
Skip Tracers' Most Valuable Tool

Tracking down anyone is difficult, let alone someone who doesn’t want to be found. As a professional skip tracer, your job is to locate these individuals for a wide variety of reasons. Whether they are someone on the run, debtors, scammers, or just people who live off-grid, locating a single person in a sea of citizens can be daunting.

These individuals often use various tactics to hide their whereabouts, including:

  • Hiding their assets
  • Using aliases
  • Changing jobs
  • Eliminating social profiles
  • Cutting off contact with friends and acquaintances
  • Working remotely

To be an effective skip tracer, you need verified and dynamic pieces of information from the skip tracing websites you rely on that update as often as your targets do. Unfortunately, with evolving regulations and countless unreliable databases, finding quality data is getting more complex every day. That’s where InfoTracer Business Solutions can help.

No Subscriptions, No Monthly Minimums, No Hidden Fees
No Credit Card Required
What Are the Benefits of Using InfoTracer Business Solutions for Skip Tracing?

What Are the Benefits of Using
InfoTracer Business Solutions for Skip Tracing?

When you turn to InfoTracer Business Solutions, you get a wide variety of benefits. On top of being current and commitment-free for each of our business customers, here are the other benefits you get when running a skip tracing search through our skip tracing software:

  • Very Affordable (people searches start at $1.50 each!)
  • Our Data is Always Current
  • Databases Are National
  • Save You Time Not Having to Sort Through Multiple Tools
  • Offers a Wide Variety of Data
  • No Subscriptions
  • Pay As You Go or Need
  • Each Search is Adjustable and Customizable
  • Hassle-Free
  • Helps with Compliance Issues
  • We Offer an API
What is Skip Tracing?

What is Skip Tracing?

Skip tracing is the process of tracking down a person or an object, by locating and following clues relating to them. It involves several steps – collecting information, searching for leads, obtaining required documents and records, and contacting people who might know more about the subject of interest. Professional skip tracing can be done by a private investigator or by a law enforcement agency.

Often used to find lost people and items, skip tracing is also helpful in instances where people want to locate assets such as property or vehicles that are missing from their possession. Because it utilizes many tools and techniques, skip tracing can be used for any type of investigation.

How Does Professional Skip Tracing Work?

How Does Professional Skip Tracing Work?

Professional skip tracing begins with a name. Once the name is verified, information gathering begins. All this information comes together to build a profile of the person or object.

From there, the goal is to increase communication with anyone that may know anything about the person or object’s whereabouts. This communication helps build a timeline and allows skip tracers to build a geographic idea of where to look. All a skip tracer needs is a full name and state for the InfoTracer search engine to begin searching billions of records to show the individuals that match the criteria you enter.

We Make Finding Anyone Easy

We Make Finding Anyone Easy

Contacts, connections, addresses, and phone numbers; all these details can help you track down an individual. InfoTracer Business Solutions can provide skip tracing companies with this data and help you accomplish tasks vital to the skip tracing process.

With our proprietary technology, you can:

  • Accelerate the collections process
  • Compile thorough background reports
  • Find better correct party contact rates
  • Verify businesses and personal identities quickly
  • Locate difficult-to-track individuals
  • Find relationships connected to a specific party
  • Reduce required preliminary research
  • Assess corporate validity
  • Reduce and prevent the risk of fraud
  • Increase rate of closed cases
  • Eliminate the chance of dead ends
  • Build individual profiles with hard-to-find details

Who Uses Skip Tracing Services?

  • Legal professionals looking for those who did not show up to court
  • PIs and private detectives
  • Investigators
  • Reporters
  • Investors
  • Debt collectors and repo companies
  • Organizations that specialize in missing people
  • Lawyers wanting to find next of kin or locate a witness
  • Real estate agents looking for property owners
  • Bounty hunters
  • Marketing companies doing lead generation
  • Alumni organizations
  • Long-lost relatives
  • Attorneys who are skip tracing real estate assets
  • And more!
Sample Report

What Information
Will These Reports Contain?

InfoTracer Business Solutions provides you with a diverse set of data to ensure you find the answers you seek. Skip tracing is like solving a giant puzzle; any small piece can reveal a part of the bigger picture. Every hint and snippet could be the lead that helps you find an individual. That’s why we scour each database for every detail when making our comprehensive reports and why we keep our databases up to date.

We also help fill in the gaps when information is scarce. Our person search, for example, can be conducted even with minor details, like someone’s name, phone number, email address, or driver’s license. These searches, which start at just $1.50 each, can find valuable data like:

Social security number

Social security number

Date of birth

Date of birth

Phone number

Phone number

Email addresses

Email addresses

Current and previous addresses

Current and previous addresses

Deceased Y/N Confirmation

Deceased Y/N Confirmation

All known phone numbers

All known phone numbers

Relatives and associates

Relatives and associates

Driver’s license information

Driver’s license information

Do You Offer Batch Skip Tracing?

Do You Offer Batch Skip Tracing?

We can customize the data you need quickly. If you want to run a large batch of information, contact us and let us customize it so you can get everything you need in one place!

How Long Does It Take to Get My Skip Tracing Information?

How Long Does It Take
to Get My Skip Tracing Information?

When you run our skip tracing software, you can get results within seconds. No more waiting to get answers for days. Instead, get current information whenever you need it.

Close More Cases and Save Money with InfoTracer Business Solutions

Close More Cases and Save Money with
InfoTracer Business Solutions

Customers trust our business because we keep our pricing structure transparent and competitive. InfoTracer Business Solutions only deals in high-quality and cross-checked data; that way our reports contain substantiated information.

With our proprietary algorithms filtering and updating data daily, you are far more likely to find that one piece of information that helps you crack the case. That is part of what makes InfoTracer one of the best skip tracing service options available to you.

There are no monthly minimums, no sign-up fees, no recurring charges, and no hidden upsells. Instead, you only pay for the searches you make, letting you conduct the research you need while keeping your business under budget. You also get $25 of free search credits when you sign up!

For each report, you will pay the low price of

Sign Up Today & Receive $25 Free Search Credits