InfoTracer Business Solutions: The Preferred Guest Verification Database for the Lodging Industry

InfoTracer Business Solutions:
The Preferred Guest Verification
Database for the Lodging Industry

According to a 2020 report conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, hotel operators lose between 5% and 6% of their annual revenue to fraud. As a business owner, you could face tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses each year. The best way to combat these fraudulent losses is accurate data and verification.

The issue is, accurate data usually comes at a high price. You want access to the same information reserved for governmental agencies and large corporations. Most services offering reports from these high-level databases will be prohibitively expensive and may come with a variety of restrictions like:

  • Hidden Fees
  • Monthly Subscriptions
  • Minimum Payments
  • Recurring Charges
  • Data Limits

For smaller businesses, the constant budgetary drain can be excessive. Unfortunately, this forces many business owners to utilize services that offer inaccurate and unverified data, leaving them open to a higher risk of fraud. That is where InfoTracer Business Solutions can help.

No Subscriptions, No Monthly Minimums, No Hidden Fees
No Credit Card Required
How Do I Protect My Business from Hotel Fraud?

How Do I Protect My Business from Hotel Fraud?

Instead of wasting valuable time utilizing poorly sourced data and trying to verify information, why not let us complete the process for you? At InfoTracer Business Solutions, we source our background reports from the same databases as those expensive services but at a far more competitive price.

Using a cost-shared payment structure, we’ve eliminated the minimum payments and hidden fees often associated with other search solutions. We’ve also done away with the subscription-based model that has permeated nearly every industry, forcing customers to pay a fee even when they aren’t using a product. With InfoTracer Business Solutions, you only pay for the searches you make.

Each of our search products will produce a comprehensive report containing all the data needed to satisfy your query. You can find accurate and up-to-date information about an individual, business, or prospective property at the click of a button.

What Information is Contained Within These Reports?

What Information
is Contained Within These Reports?

As a hotel, motel, Airbnb, or B&B operator, your needs may vary depending on the current season and your current number of guests. That’s why we provide a guest verification system that can be used for any possible scenario. Our reports are created with cross-checked and fully-verified information; that way, you can make the informed decisions that will help your business thrive.

Our Person Search can find almost anyone with a simple set of search parameters for only $1.50. These reports include (when available):

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Home Address
  • Driver’s License Number
  • Social Security Number

For only $5, our Bankruptcy, Liens, and Judgments Report can give you essential details like:

  • Filing Number
  • Filing Date
  • State
  • Unlawful Detainer (Yes/No)
  • Initial Date, Amount & Docket
  • Judgment Date, Amount & Docket
  • Amount
  • Type
  • Group
  • Tax Lien or Bankruptcy Type
  • Docket Number
  • Remove or Dismissal Date & Docket
  • Asset Amount
  • Liability Amount
  • Plaintiff

If you want to find out more information about an individual for only $20, our Background Report will show you (when available):

  • Address Details
  • Phone Numbers
  • Neighbors
  • Address Summary
  • Bankruptcies
  • Liens
  • Judgments
  • Evictions
  • Employers
  • Cities & Counties History
  • Professional Affiliations
  • Professional Licenses
  • Marriages & Divorces
  • Current and Past Property Deeds
  • Property Information Records
  • Business & Corporate Affiliations
  • Auto-Ownership
  • UCC Filings
  • Aircraft Records
  • Pilot Licenses
  • Hunting Permits
  • Weapon Permits
  • Relatives & Associates
  • Driver’s License Info
  • Trademarks
  • Voter Registration Info
  • Political Contributions
  • Social Profiles
  • Criminal Records
  • And More!

For $25, our Background Business Reports will show you countless pieces of useful information, which can include:

  • Business Name
  • Owner's Name
  • Business Address
  • Owner's Address
  • Agent's Name
  • Filing Dates
  • Consent Files
  • Owner's Profile
  • Public Records
  • Bankruptcy Files
  • Entity Types
  • Activity Lists
  • Partnerships
  • Agent's Address
  • Document Numbers
  • Profit Status
  • Fiscal Information
  • Annual Reports
  • Business Reports
  • State Databases
  • Liens & Judgments
What Are Some Cases Where This Search Functionality Would Be Beneficial?

What Are Some Cases Where This Search
Functionality Would Be Beneficial?

With our advanced search solutions, there are endless ways for you to make your job easier and more efficient. We’ve highlighted three significant benefits our products offer to optimize your business and solve common problems with verified data.

Investigating a Problematic Guest

Investigating a Problematic Guest

While the majority of hotel and motel guests will behave properly, there will always be an exception. When you have an unruly guest, a person search can give you an idea of what to expect. If your unruly guest leaves, you may also need information on this person so you can follow up with any questions, concerns, or bills following their behavior. InfoTracer Business Solutions allows you to look up any unruly guest and keep yourself informed. Plus, if you need to involve the authorities, you can give them insight as to who the guest is when you explain what they did during their stay.

Finding Guests In Case of Non-Payment

Finding Guests In Case of Non-Payment

It's an unfortunate fact in the lodging industry, but customers will sometimes try to skip out on the bill. While it would usually be nearly impossible to find someone, you can utilize our Person Search to get valuable information about a guest with unsettled bills. A person search can be conducted with even the smallest pieces of cursory information like their name, phone number, email, current address, SSN, or driver’s license number.

Learning More About a Business

Learning More About a Business

Verifying a competing business can save your customers from fraud and prevent you from partnering with unlawful business owners. With our Business Report, you can find essential facts and figures about a company’s owners, license history, and important fiscal data. With this information, you can steer customers away from a fraudulent business and make sure every company you work with is operating above board.

InfoTracer Business Solutions: Prevent Fraud and Provide a Better Guest Experience

InfoTracer Business Solutions:
Prevent Fraud and Provide a Better
Guest Experience

Lodging and the hospitality industry require a massive amount of attention and care. You want to provide your guests with the best accommodations possible, and to do that, you need accurate information. With InfoTracer Business Solutions, you can find the data to answer your query fast, so you can get back to giving your customers a great hotel experience.

Like any intelligent business owner, you want to save time and money. Our mission is to provide you with the best data available, while keeping an eye on your bottom line. With our cost-shared access, we can offer excellent per-search prices like:

You deserve to access accurate and verified information, and we can help. Don’t wait; Try InfoTracer Business Solutions today!

Sign Up Today & Receive $25 Free Search Credits